Sunday, December 30, 2007


We stand in the last two days of this year and are about to leap into a new one. My wish for everyone is that 2008 will be a year filled with blessings left and right and may all things GOOD fall onto your path. I wish each day for happiness to exude through your heart and may there be peace in your soul. I hope that there is not a day where a smile leaves your face, but if that day should present itself to you, I pray for strength to encounter you and carry you through. Though we do not have the greatest of days always, there is still good to be found in them all.

I am thankful for 2007 for many reasons. It has been a good year; yes there are some days I will leave behind without wanting to reflect upon again. We have so much to be thankful for each day we wake unto. To breathe, that is a gift in itself that is taken for granted so often. I love living life and that is something I want to do with you all. With each year that passes I want to make a heartfelt impression on the ones I care about and all those I come in contact with. Life is a gift and we need to cherish it to the depths. We were created for a purpose and a reason. Each of us are special in our own way. We are here for a moment, so let’s make the most of each we are given.

Love n’ Hugs,


Saturday, December 29, 2007


What is love if it is kept and never given? Nothing but another word in the dictionary, but never defined on our own. In this life love is the breath-line. With each day, those we meet, we need to breathe love over them. If we all cared, just think how the world would be?! I know that I was created for a purpose, just as each and every one of us was. The devotion of love is steadfast; it’s up to us to be committed in showing it to those around us. When our hearts reach out to one another’s there is a force that moves us in directions we may not have dreamed of going. Never let a day hold you back from letting go to love. This moment is yours and mine right now, we have to make a move. To live life without extending love to each other, we are living in vain. Love n’ Hugs, Dawn 12-29-07

(( a collage I made on 12-16-07 ))

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


"A kind word brings light among the darkness". -me

Something as simple, yet so powerful, brings light to the depths of darkness and that is a kind word. In this life, we go about our days and not all of those days seem to go our way. When everything seems to be going wrong, there is someone that comes along and drops a word of kindness in our path and everything seems to slide away for the moment. We truly cannot grasp the intensity a kind word holds. It works on people in ways that breaks down the most exterior walls they have put up as barriers. If we would hold back those words that tear a person down and instead let words of kindness flow from our tongues, people would be touched in a way that they would forever hold on to that moment. Kindness will carry a person further than they have ever imagined. Once we open the doorways of our soul and let it flow out to others there is a change that comes about us and those it comes in contact with. It is something I wish all would so eagerly give; but I know whether or not I receive it back, it is something I am going to show others!! ~Dawn H.