Wednesday, July 24, 2013

For a Reason and For a Purpose

We were created for a Reason
and we all have Purpose.
I believe we are here to
encourage in little ways we
can and to reach out in
ways in which we can.
To try to lift up another.
To breathe kindness -
choosing our words carefully
in how we allow them to spill
and to take down every barrier
from allowing that which is good
to come forth. In that we were
given we are to give. How beautiful
the soul when we take time to place
our hand there upon another's
- to feel, to love, to share,
caring beyond ourself.
Life is filled with much
that we go through, but how
sweet the shadow of another
beside us just to listen and
extend their heart to us
revealing their concern.
How quickly the days pass
and we are none promised
 a tomorrow, so oh to live this day
what a gift, what a gift.

Love, Dawn

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