Tuesday, December 04, 2007


"A kind word brings light among the darkness". -me

Something as simple, yet so powerful, brings light to the depths of darkness and that is a kind word. In this life, we go about our days and not all of those days seem to go our way. When everything seems to be going wrong, there is someone that comes along and drops a word of kindness in our path and everything seems to slide away for the moment. We truly cannot grasp the intensity a kind word holds. It works on people in ways that breaks down the most exterior walls they have put up as barriers. If we would hold back those words that tear a person down and instead let words of kindness flow from our tongues, people would be touched in a way that they would forever hold on to that moment. Kindness will carry a person further than they have ever imagined. Once we open the doorways of our soul and let it flow out to others there is a change that comes about us and those it comes in contact with. It is something I wish all would so eagerly give; but I know whether or not I receive it back, it is something I am going to show others!! ~Dawn H.

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